Osama Mohammady Mohammed
Internal Medicine and Nephrology Department, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt
Title: Observational study of metabolic syndrome amongrenal transplant recipients in Kasr Al-Aini School of Medicine: a single-center study
Biography: Osama Mohammady Mohammed
Themetabolicsyndrome(MS)isaconstellationofclinicalabnormalitiesrelatedto insulin resistance and inflammation. The syndrome is now recognized as a risk factor for diabetes and cardiovascular disease in the general population. Recent studiessuggestthatMSiscommonafterkidneytransplantation,alsopossiblybeing predictive of allograft loss and poor allograftfunction.
We studied the prevalence of MS in Egyptian kidney transplant recipients (from Kasr Al-Aini School of Medicine) and its correlation with C-reactive protein(CRP), serum uric acid (UA), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), different immunosuppressive intakes,andhepatitisCvirus(HCV)inthesepatients.
Patients and methods
The present cross-sectional study was conducted in 2012 on 100 renaltransplant recipients,68male(68%)and32female(32%),withstablekidneyfunction(serum creatinine=1.5±1 mg/dl) in King Fahd Unit, Cairo University. All clinical and laboratory data were recorded, including serum creatinine, UA, cholesterol, triglyceride (TGL), low-density lipoprotein, high-density lipoprotein (HDL), ALP, CRP, and HCV Abs. The presence of MS was determined using NCEP-ATP III criteria,withBMIusedinplaceofwaistcircumference.